Technical Potential of Biomass Energy in Nigeria
Technical Potential, Biomass, Renewable energy, Energy estimateAbstract
The role of energy in the development of a nation cannot be underestimated. The current situation of energy in Nigeria reveals that an energy crisis is pending in the country. However, there is an abundance of renewable energy resources in Nigeria most of which have remained untapped. This paper gives an estimate of the technical potential of biomass energy in Nigeria, the technical potential being the part of the theoretical energy which can be harnessed for energy use. The biomass sources considered are agro-residues, livestock wastes, municipal solid wastes and forest residues. It was discovered that contribution of biomass energy in Nigeria is largely from agro-residues, municipal wastes and livestock wastes while forest residues contribute the least. The energy potential is also expected to continue to grow from about 3.2 EJ in 2010 to about 5.5 EJ in 2020 and may reach about 29.8 EJ in 2050.The estimate compares well with forecasted energy demand and will play a great role in future energy supply. Policy formulations have not favoured the development of biomass technologies for efficient utilization of biomass. There is a need to harness this huge energy potential by employing the various biomass technologies and formulating policies to the effect. There is also a need to enhance the development of the agricultural subsector of the economy where the biomass is generated.
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