Strategic Technological Alliances Among Selected Firms In The Food Manufacturing Industry In Southwestern Nigeria
Coopetition, Strategic Technology Alliance, Technology, Food Manufacturing IndustryAbstract
The study examined the nature and existing forms of Strategic Technological Alliances (STAs) among selected firms in food manufacturing industry in Southwestern Nigeria, and benefits derived therefrom. It was conducted in three states in Southwestern Nigeria, namely: Lagos, Ogun and Oyo. Multistage sampling method was used purposively to select 33 firms from the 99 firms in the 9 sub-sectoral groups of the food industry. Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from senior officials of the firms. The questionnaire elicited information on company profile, types of STA and STA effects. Personal interviews were also used to gather data from other staff members of the firms. Secondary data were collected from in-house journals of the firms and other publications. The data collected were analyzed with the aid of Standard Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). The results showed the existence of both technological and non-technological alliances in the firms. The alliances also involved both local and foreign firms, with R&D and licensing being the most popular STAs. Results also showed that R&D alliance was the most common local alliance in which 25% of the firms were involved while licensing was the most common foreign alliance (21.4%) among the firms. The study concluded that different forms of STAs were found among the firms and they offered many advantages to the firms.
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