Statistical Modelling and Optimization of Extraction Condition for Protein Isolate Production from Kersting's Groundnut using Response Surface Methodology
Kersting’s groundnut, Optimization, Protein isolate, Central composite design (CCD), Response surface methodology (RSM)Abstract
The study evaluated the effect of extraction conditions on the yield and protein concentration of protein isolate produced from Kersting’s groundnut, and optimized the extraction conditions using response surface methodology. The extraction conditions were solid-solvent ratio (5, 10 and 15 g/ml), temperature (30, 40 and 50 oC) and time (3, 4 and 5 hours). The result revealed that increase in the protein isolate yield was associated with increased solid-to-solvent ratio and extraction temperature. The prediction accuracy of the RSM was supported by a non-significant lack-of-fit and R2 of 0.9999 and 0.9972 for yield and concentration of the protein isolate respectively. Hence, optimal parameters obtained were 15 g/ml solid-solvent ratio, 30 oC extraction temperature and 3 hours extraction time. A yield of 20.05% protein isolate with 70.67 mg/ml concentration was obtained based on 100 g of Kersting’s groundnut protein powder.
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