The Study Of Diethylene Amine And Sodium Chromate As Corrosion Inhibitors For Mild Steel In Cassava Fluid
Corrosion, inhibitors, diethylene amine, sodium chromate, cassava, efficiencyAbstract
This report presents the investigation of sodium chromate and diethylene amine as inhibitors of corrosion of a mild steel in cassava fluid. The inhibition study was carried out using the weight loss immersion technique. The inhibitive potentials of the two inhibitors was evaluated based on a determination of the corrosion rates in the presence and absence of the inhibitors, determination of the pH of various cassava fluids and a calculation of the inhibition efficiencies of the two inhibitors at different levels of concentrations. The results of this study show that diethylene amine is a much better inhibitor of the corrosion of mild steel in cassava fluid than sodium chromate. The inhibition efficiencies by diethylene amine are higher than 85% for the 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 M concentrations investigated. In the case of sodium chromate, inhibition efficiencies only become significant for 1.0 M and 1.5 M concentrations. Generally, the pH of all cassava fluid with and without inhibitors increased with duration of exposure and the corrosion rates of the mild steel decreased with increase in the pH of the cassava fluid.
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