Aerosol Compositions In Southeastern Lagos, Nigeria
Aerosol, natural source, anthropogenic source, optimal controlAbstract
The continuous generation of aerosol from natural and anthropogenic sources in Southeastern Lagos, Nigeria necessitated characterization of the fine and coarse modes aerosol of the area. Aerosol concentration was measured using gravimetry method with a high volume sampler fitted with a two-fitter holder and adopting a sampling period of 6 hours. Aerosol samplings were carried out in both the wet and dry seasons. The exposed filters were digested, filtered, diluted and subjected to Buck model 205 atomic absorption spectrophotometer analysis for elemental metal compositions determination while the Technicon Auto-analyzer II was used to determine the ionic compositions. The estimated 24-hour concentrations of Particulate Matter less than 10 µm (PM10) ranged between 319.78 and 750.87 µg/m3 while that of particulate matter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) ranged between 94.97 and 282.18 µg/m3 throughout the wet and dry seasons. All the measured concentrations were above the 24-hour mean World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank standards of 50 µg/m3 and 80 µg/m3, respectively. The measured Particulate Matter concentrations and its constituents in dry season were found to be higher compared with wet season. The obtained results will assist policy makers and environmental regulators in developing optimal control strategies of aerosol in the area.
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