Evaluation Of An Electrochemical Method Of Coagulation For Surface Water Treatment
Chemical coagulation, conductivity, electrochemical method, filtration, monopolar electrodes, stainless steelAbstract
An electrochemical reactor was developed for the treatment of raw surface water. The reactor was made up of three stainless steel cathodes interspersed with two aluminium anodes connected in parallel using a monopolar configuration. Treatment performance was assessed in terms of changes in turbidity, pH, electrical conductivity, chloride and sulphate ions, and operational cost. For the purpose of comparison, the raw water was chemically coagulated with alum and performance evaluated. The water coagulated with alum was found to be acidic and had higher levels of turbidity, sulphate and chloride ions and conductivity than the water obtained from the electrochemical method. In term of the operational cost, the electrochemical technique was found to be much cheaper than chemical coagulation with alum. It was concluded from the overall results that the electrochemical technique performed better than the chemical coagulation method.
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