Reliability Evaluation And Improvement Of The Phcn Distribution Network


  • Aderonke Akinwumi Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria
  • O.A. Komolafe Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria


Reliability, distribution automation


This paper presents the results of investigation of the reliability evaluation of the distribution system in Ile-Ife district of Nigeria. The degree of availability of electric supply to consumers is one way of assessing the system reliability. Feeder outage data were collected from the Ile-Ife district and these were analyzed to compute the various reliability indices of the system. The indices were compared with IEEE standard to categorize the reliability of the system. The use of distribution automation was also considered to improve the reliability of the system. This model consists of the remote terminal unit (RTU) that detects fault at the low voltage side of the distribution transformer, a transmitting system which automatically relay the condition of the transformer to the substation such that the fault repair crew could effect necessary repairs as quickly as possible. Results show that the reliability indices of the Ile-Ife distribution system are in the poor reliabilty range compared with the IEEE recommended values. It was also demonstrated that the use of automatic fault detection and relay system improves system reliability in the distribution supply network.

Author Biographies

Aderonke Akinwumi, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

Obafemi Awolowo University,

Ile-Ife. Nigeria

O.A. Komolafe, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,

Obafemi Awolowo University,

Ile-Ife. Nigeria


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How to Cite

Akinwumi, A., & Komolafe, O. (2011). Reliability Evaluation And Improvement Of The Phcn Distribution Network. Ife Journal of Technology, 20(2), 7–10. Retrieved from